Monday, June 23, 2014

Weekend in Review


Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ Another rainy day here in Michigan, which put me in the "I don't want to do or go anywhere" mood after I got home from work So I hung out at home, watched a couple of movies with my hubby and worked on some crochet projects.

Saturday ~ Groceries first thing in the morning, then home to do some housework and yard work before we headed out for some graduation open houses. First one was in Clarksville for a family friend, Austin. We caught up a little bit with his mom and dad, never enough time to talk at these parties. We need to plan a get together one of these days. Then it was off to Cedar Springs for my niece Abby's party.

Sunday ~ I did laundry and finished up the housework and did the baking for the week. The rest of the day was a lazy one of watching movies, crochet and napping. We grilled some pork chops to go with our loaded mashed potatoes, corn and fruit, then I was off to Sparta for family ice cream at Sundae's in the Park.

Let me know if you play along.
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  1. I'm wondering what you bake for the week? Your Sunday dinner sounds delish!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! 'Tis the season for tons of open houses! :)


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!