Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend in Review


Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ Went grocery shopping in the morning, then off for a day of fun with friends with lunch and bowling.
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Saturday ~ Lazy day, finished up some crochet projects and vegged for the day.
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Sunday ~ I had a Tastefully Simple meeting, and made this yummy fruit salad using our Fuzzy Navel Slush bucket.

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John and I went and checked out an open house, got some great pointers from the realtor, and hoping that all goes well this time around when we talk to him about listing our house.

The rest of the evening was pretty quiet, as there was no Zombies on, going to be a long summmer! I did get a few cute pictures of Lici. I think she is finally getting over her camera shyness!

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Let me know if you play along.
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