Monday, October 31, 2011

Weekend in Review


Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ Started out as a normal Friday, dropping Trent off at school, then off to get groceries. I then had to do some finishing touches to my craft room, that is going back to my oldest ( he will still have to put up with purple walls, as I am not repainting it!). Then it was off to pick Trent up, get him home to quick change for work, then grab a quick bite to eat then off to work for him.

Saturday ~ John had to work today, so I was up early and started my baking; pumpkin bread/muffins, and then Peanut Butter Cup bread. I was up for making cookies as well, but ran out of flour! What!?!? How does a baker run out of flour! I always have tons on hand. So the cookies will have to wait for sometime this week. Took Trent to work, then started my knitting while waiting for John to get home. As I was getting ready to take Trent to his Halloween party he texted saying he was on his way home. So much for our movie date.

We started browsing ONDEMAND trying to find some true horror movie to watch, then I told him to check out "The Walking Dead". I didn't know if I would get into it, but oh my! John got bored with it, so I will be watching this myelf.

Sunday ~ We are still trying to find a church, so we missed going today again, which is probably a God thing, as we got a phone call informing us that his dad was back in the hospital. The family birthday party was still on, even though he wouldn't be there. John went to the hospital to visit with him, while I stayed home, started some laundry, and took Trent to work. While waiting for John to get home, I started watching The Walking Dead on Netflix.

We headed over to the inlaws. Christopher picked Trent up from work and then headed over as well. It seemed off without Gramps. Hopefully he will be coming home today!

What did you do this weekend? Let me know if you play along!

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