Monday, October 31, 2011

Preparing for college

We have been getting phone calls to help Trent get ready for the ACT's or SAT's, not sure which, as they are very vague. I have now put them on my ignore list, and the calls have stopped, but for how long I do not know.

For the longest time he has said he doesn't want to go to college, but now has shown an interest in either doing something in the lines of zoology or with criminalistics. We went to check out some things at the career center last week, to see if he wanted to take some classes there next year during his senior year, but he is still unsure.

I was joking with him saying that after he graduates, that we both could possibly taking some college classes, as I am still looking into going back to school, whether it be at an actual school or taking some online classes. I would like to take some business classes, as I would love to open up a yarn/coffee/cafe shop. One day this will come to pass, I am believing.

For now we will get him as ready as we can for his next journey of schooling, just as soon as we graduate him out of high school.

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