Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend in Review


Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ After dropping Trent off at school, I waited for Robyn to show up so we could head downtown to explore Art Prize. There was lots of interesting art, and some that left us going "huh".

This is one piece I liked

The rest of the day/night I had the house to myself, as John and Trent went over to my inlaws to work on the guitar. I settled in with LMN on the boob tube, laptop on the chaise and knitting supplies in my lap. I was good to go.

Saturday ~ I had my 31 meeting in the morning, and the guys went again over to the inlaws, where they were put to work on the patio for my father in law, and then started back on the guitar. So this meant I had the day to myself yet again! Yay! I worked on some computer stuff, knitting, my 31 business and channel surfed trying to find a good movie to watch.

Sunday ~ After waiting for John to finally get home from church, we headed over to the inlaws, for him to yet again work on the guitar (I will be soooo glad once this is done, as I have other things I want him to make/do!). But first John and Trent had to check on the Lion's game, to see if by some off chance they had come back from the 20-0 game when we left our house... and lo and behold, it was 20-17. So they continued to watch, to have the Lion's win! Then it was off to the garage to work.

My father in law and John with their funny gas masks.

The body of the guitar

The back cover

The neck

What did you do this weekend? Let me know if you play along!

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to Art Prize. That's a pretty interesting piece. Yay to having some time to yourself this weekend....I'm jealous! :)


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!