Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lights flickering and strange noises

Yesterday started out rather strange. I was in the bathroom getting ready for my day, when the lights flickered, then I heard a very strange noise, kinda like that scene from "A Christmas Story" with Ralphie, with their broiler/furnace acting up. It stopped, and the lights were ok. Then I heard lots of sirens, coincident? Maybe, but not sure. I checked the clocks in the bedroom to see if they needed to be reset, but they were ok.

I had to run up to the hospital to drop off a ticket to a friend so we could go see a pre-screening of "Footloose", and when I got back home, we had no power. What!?!? I went back outside to see if my neighbor had power, and they were out as well.

The cause of this power outage.... someone hit a pole. Next thing I knew I heard Aero Med, otherwise known as: air ambulance service. So it must have been pretty bad to get Aero involved, as the hospital is literally 5 minutes from my house.

So I sat in a dark, quiet house yesterday for a couple of hours knittint, (which I got alot done!!) I would have had my iPod going, but like a dummy I forgot to charge it the night before. The phone is still not working properly, but that's a good thing, then all of those pesky callers will leave me alone!

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