Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Tuesday 4 Meme ~ Summertime

I am happy to see that Annie from Cottage by the Sea is continuing on with the Tuesday 4 that Toni started.

Questions will be up for you here at 9PM on Sunday nights which will give enough time to answer and post on your own blog on Tuesdays.

Well, we hope it's easy anyway. Welcome back to Toni's Tuesday 4! Always good to have you here.Let's concentrate on the little bit of summer that is left shall we? We need to enjoy every season to the fullest I believe.. what say you? Not much more of summer left so we better enjoy it while it lasts.

1. What do you like to do in the summer? go to the beach, kayak, fish with the hubs

2. What is your favorite summertime food and beverage? BLT's, potato salad, watermelon, lemonade

3. How do you beat the heat? sit in an air conditioned house

4. What do you really like about the summer season? I can get the kayak out, walks on the beach sunsets.


  1. Being on a kayak looks like a peaceful activity.

  2. Love your photos! Our kids love kayaking. The youngest lives in Western NY so she and her husband are surrounded by lots of water. We are in Colorado so the mountains are a good choice to escape the heat in the lower elevations. Thank you for sharing and have a great Tiesday~

  3. BLT's.. now I am craving one. I love them year around though.

  4. Jodi, this is new for me. I love the last photo.


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!