Monday, October 4, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

Good morning! Its been like forever since I have last done a HHM, like July 5th! My sweet Lici girl has been on and off not doing well, around my last HHM we thought it was close to the end but she has rallied. I was exhausted from all that, and sleeping downstairs with her, as it was just too hot upstairs in our bedroom for her. She is going downhill fast now, please keep her in your prayers. As hard as I know this is going to be for me, its going to be 100 times worse for my husband. I am dreading the day.

Now on with HHM **edited to add - looks like the prompts have changed a bit, I will update to them next week**

I am linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Head on over to find some other great bloggers.

For Today... October 4th, 2021

The weather... Its 64° right now, and the high for today is 72°.

How I am feeling this morning... tired... Lici had another rough night

On my mind... my sweet Lici girl

On the breakfast plate... french toast bagel and water

On my reading pile... Hooked on You by Kathleen Fuller - I haven't picked this up in months, I need to lose myself in a book

On my tv... Shows are back, yay!! 911, Resident, New Amsterdam, The Chicago series Med/Fire/PD, Blue Bloods, LA Brea, Walking Dead The Rookie

On the menu this week
Monday ~ spaghetti and garlic bread
Tuesday ~ not sure, the hubs is going out with our Pastor
Wednesday ~ eggs, bacon or sausage and toast
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ leftovers
Saturday ~ ???
Sunday ~ ???

From the camera... My fall decor

Looking around the house... seeing all my Fall decor makes my heart smile... this is my favorite time of year to decorate

Chore I'm not looking forward to today or this week... mopping, I have neglected this for far to long!

To relax this week, I will... crochet and cross stitch.

On my prayer list... my sweet Lici

Devotional/Bible Verse/Quote...

In closing...Thank you for stopping by. I hope your week ahead is filled with lots of blessings!


  1. Hoping Lici feels better. Love your Fall decor and the knit pumpkins are beautiful.
    Have a good week

  2. So sorry to hear Lici isn't doing well. Prayers for all of you. Gorgeous fall decorations! Hope you have a great week.

  3. Praying for Lici! Love all your fall decor.

  4. Glad you're back on HHM. I love your inspiration and isn't it just so true? Your fall decor is wonderful!! Keeping you in my prayers for Lici. It hurts so much when our fur kids hurt :( I hope you have a GREAT week.

  5. So nice to see you back on here Jodi! Prayers sent for Lici - and for you folks. That when the time comes the Lord will hold you up in comfort. You always have the cutest decorations. 😍 Happy Fall dear Friend 🍁


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!