Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tuesday 4 - Kitchen Dreams

I am happy to see that Annie from Cottage by the Sea is continuing on with the Tuesday 4 that Toni started.

Questions will be up for you here at 9PM on Sunday nights which will give enough time to answer and post on your own blog on Tuesdays.

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in memory of Toni Taddeo!

Kitchen Dreams

This week's questions were provided by Pamela Steiner who has the Closed Doors Open Windows blog..

1. They say the kitchen is the heart of the home...tell us about YOUR kitchen. What is your favorite part of your kitchen? How big it is... I will be sad when/if we move

2. If money were no object, what would be your "dream kitchen"? Something similar to this photo... I so want a center island, and would love the to ceiling cabinets

3. Tell us about a favorite memory from your kitchen, or from a kitchen in your past, perhaps your mother's kitchen or your grandma's kitchen? see question 4 - I loved visiting my grandma, hanging out in her kitchen while she prepared food for us, was always a treat!

4. If you could invite anyone in the world (either past or present) to come visit with you in your kitchen, who would it be, and why? My "grandma" Ensiline. I loved going to her house when we were little, she had the best cinnamon toast, that would cure anything that ailed you! And she had the best date cookies. I would love to sit and talk with her and have her share how to make the date cookies, to this day I can not for the life of me get it down. I will never get the toast just right as her special ingredient was "love" that she put into it. I miss her!


  1. I think all of us would love to have a little time with our grandmother to watch and learn her secrets to her signature dish. My grandmother's was her delicious apple roll. I watched her make it many times and have her hand written recipe, but mine is never quite like hers was. My cousins all have the same recipe and none of them can do it either.

  2. That's it Jodi, 'love' your grandma's love that is, is probably the key ingredient that you're missing but I betcha others taste your love in your cinnamon toast. Yum, I haven't had any of that in ages! Thanks for dropping by today. I enjoyed reading your responses. Have a good afternoon!

  3. I totally understand that the missing ingredient is love. I am not a great baker but I like to do Gingerbread with the grands. It makes my hear happy when the grands ask when we are making them. It's the time we spend together creating the memories. Now I want some cinnamon toast with lots of butter!

  4. I enjoyed your answers. I'm joining in for the first time this week.


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!