Friday, March 31, 2017

Food 4 Thought Friday

Jodi over at Beacon of Hope writes: GET YOUR APPETITE ON and PLAY ALONG! Just copy and paste the questions to your blog and PLEASE leave a comment that you played along so others can go and check out your answers. These are so much fun to go back read later!

Food 4 Thought Friday!

A little feast without the calories!!

Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night. JOIN IN!!!

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:


Breakfast ~ What was the most productive thing you did this week?
Lunch ~ What was the least productive thing you did this week?
Dinner ~ What are your weekend plans?
Midnight Snack ~ What disappointed you this week? What delighted you about this week?
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)


Breakfast ~ What was the most productive thing you did this week? Finished these floral arrangements for the Ladies Tea coming up in May....these will go on the food/beverage tables
Lunch ~ What was the least productive thing you did this week? clean the house....I slacked big time.. Must.Do.Better.On.Monday!!
Dinner ~ What are your weekend plans? tonight, nothing...just veggin with the hubs, Saturday - jean shopping for the hubs, then home to work on my planner and sew curtains. Sunday - church, out for lunch, then off to some Antique shops
Midnight Snack ~ What disappointed you this week? What delighted you about this week? work.... I just don't get the reasoning behind some of the management decisions on things..... What delighted you about this week? Knowing that my niece liked the surprise she got with her birthday gift...she knew she was getting her mermaid tail afghan, but didn't know I made one for her American Girl doll as well to match hers.
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?) Phone a friend....venting is always good


  1. Those floral arrangements are GORGEOUS! You are so talented! And then the crocheted mermaid tails are seriously soooo cute! You have a gift for the arts and crafts! Crocheting is hard for me! You are amazing at it! I'm impressed you can get your hub out shopping for jeans. Mine will only go about once a year (if that). I ended up buying him clothes to try on at home and end up taking most back! ugh! haha THANKS for playing! Fun answers!

  2. Thanks! I usually go out and buy his clothes, but he wanted to go this time. Hope you are having a good week!!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!