Sunday, October 9, 2016

Weekend in Review

Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the button code below and tell me all about your weekend!  I will have a Mr. Linky on the actual weekend post for everyone to link up to.
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My Life as Mama Jodi

Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ Went to a doctor appointment with the hubs, then home to get his lunch ready, and let the pup out for a bit. Then it was off to the lakeshore for me, to meet up with a friend for lunch. We walked around the downtown area, checking out a few of the shops. I picked up some yummy soups to make later on this month, as well as some fudge... mmmm. On the way home, stopped at a few Dollar Tree's, the post office and Family Dollar. The rest of the night was a low key night. ~

Saturday ~ The morning started off with a quick trip to the grocery store, then home to put things away... I took a short nap (was up too late the night before, and up way too early today). The hubs got the lawn mowed, still need to get in all of the deck furniture. Then it was off to JC Penney's to get some clothes for the hubs. We then grabbed the pup and headed over to the inlaws for a short visit. It had been a while since I have been there. ~

Sunday ~ Church in the morning. We grabbed some lunch, then off for a Sunday afternoon drive, to check out some houses near the hubs work. Also went to the shops new location, to check it out. While out that way, I had to run into the Dollar Tree, to see if this one had anything new... not really.. bummer! Then home to veg for the night. ~

Let me know if you play along.

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