Tuesday, October 11, 2016

House hunting

We are back in house hunting mode. We did some drive bys on quite a few houses, and found a few that we really like. Now to get this house on the market. Really there isn't much we have to do, just straighten up the basement, and clean out the garage. I think we should get some industrial lighting fixtures from warehouselighting.com to brighten it up a bit. Maybe give it a fresh coat of paint.

Then call the realtor, and keep our fingers crossed that it sells fast! I don't want to have to deal with packing and moving in the winter months! Then keep our fingers crossed yet again that the ones we like don't sell before we get ours sold! The one he likes, because of the acerage, needs a lot of work, where as the one I like is move in ready, outside of it needing a fence put in, in the back!

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