Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekend in Review

Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the button code below and tell me all about your weekend!  I will have a Mr. Linky on the actual weekend post for everyone to link up to.
 photo weekend_zpssvhkupvz.jpg

My Life as Mama Jodi

Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ Grocery shopping in the morning, then ran some errands. Figured out how I was going to set up my display and got things ready for my party. The party was a good one, and fun up with my friend Darci.

Saturday ~ Went to Michael's to see if they had the Caron Cakes out, and they did! Found the two skeins that I needed. Went and picked up Trent, to help him find a shirt for the wedding. Back home to get ready, then off to Lansing for Adel and Amy's wedding. It was a beautiful wedding. It was fun catching up with friends, and seeing my boys all dressed up.

My youngest and I

My oldest and I

The four of us

Sunday ~ Church, nap before dinner. While making dinner, I whipped up a batch of of pumpkin muffins and bread to take to the Women's Ministry. Great time there, then home to watch the season premiere of The Walking Dead. And Oh.M.Gee!!!! I was speechless, heartbroken and sick to my stomach all wrapped up into one.

Let me know if you play along.

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