Friday, October 14, 2016

Food 4 Thought Friday

Jodi over at Beacon of Hope writes: GET YOUR APPETITE ON and PLAY ALONG! Just copy and paste the questions to your blog and PLEASE leave a comment that you played along so others can go and check out your answers. These are so much fun to go back read later!

Food 4 Thought Friday!

A little feast without the calories!!

Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night. JOIN IN!!!

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:


Breakfast ~ Name any collections you have.
Lunch ~ Do you dejunk on a regular basis or have a system for getting rid of clutter?
Dinner ~ Do you hoard anything? If so, what?
Midnight Snack ~ What do you store under your bed?
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)


Breakfast ~ Name any collections you have. Right now it would have to be candles. I am obsessed with a Pumpkin Waffle candle and Walk in the Woods from Walmart. They both smell so yummy!! I have quite a few of each, and every week I gravitate to the laundry aisle (where they can be found) and pick up 2 or 3 of each. And of course anything I find that is purple, usually comes home with me!
Lunch ~ Do you dejunk on a regular basis or have a system for getting rid of clutter? I do. I will go through things and put them in piles: keep, donate, trash. It so nice to see a clean organized space once again.... only to have it all cluttered back up in a few months... oh why do I do this to myself! LOL
Dinner ~ Do you hoard anything? If so, what? I guess yarn, stickers and washi tape. I am up to my eyeballs in yarn. I have to start using what I have and stop buying.... ha, who am I fooling, I will continue to buy! I have more stickers than I know what to do with! The washi...oh the washi...I am obsessed!! I use it sparingly, as I am fearful that I won't find any replacements for it. (click here to see what washi is.
Midnight Snack ~ What do you store under your bed? Nothing. We have a frame that has 3 drawers on each side.
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?) Relax and take in and enjoy the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Fun Fun Fun answers! I am impressed with your system for decluttering! I hear ya on the anything purple comes home with you! haha! I love washi tape but I haven't bought any...YET! It's so cute too! You sound like you have a very clean and organized home! I used to....haha I seriously need to dejunk! UGH!
    THANKS SO MUCH FOR PLAYING! I've missed you!


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