Monday, May 12, 2014

Weekend in Review


Weekend rewind. If you want to play along, grab the above button and tell me all about your weekend!

Friday ~ Grocery shopping in the morning, then off for lunch and some garage saleing (in the rain, so not a fan of Mother Nature!). No luck on finding anything for me, but Robyn's goal was at least one pair of shorts, which she succeeded at the very last sale we stopped at.

John and I finally got the deck furniture out, now just need to get a planter for my stand and come up with an idea for a ring around the opening to the umbrella stand. While doing this, Trent pulled up in the driveway. I knew he was coming home for the weekend, but didn't really expect him until Saturday.

Saturday ~ Met up with a host to close out her party at Panera Bread. Ordered a danish and some water, only to find out that I had a reward on my card, so my danish was free! Love surprises like that!

John and Trent made a dump run after cleaning out the garage, and some of the basement. John mowed the lawn, while I weeded my flower beds. The rest of the night was pretty low key.

Sunday ~ Mother's Day. The boys got me flowers, a Ninja blender and a funny card. John, again went to Jared's (after me telling him he didn't need to get me anything with the boys old enough now to do their own shopping) and got me another charm to add to my bracelet.
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I need to get a clearer picture of the charm. We grilled burgers, potato salad, corn on the cob and mixed fruit for dinner. It was a relaxing Mother's Day.

Let me know if you play along.
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