Friday, April 11, 2014

Back to work

This week turned into a crazy busy week. Tuesday I had an interview at Berger Chevy for a part time receptionist. The interview went well, and pretty much had the job before I even left. I was sent on to take a drug test; off I went to pee in a cup! LOL Then off to visit with Nancy and Vickie for a few minutes. In the afternoon Carol called to offer me the job and wanted me to start the next day. So for the last 3 days I have been training full time. I have to work tomorrow as well, so I am kind of hopping that it rains then, and not on Sunday as I will be home (and its my birthday)!

Poor Lici has been by herself, well she has the kitty, but its not the same. She is soooo excited when we get home, and is so very jumpy, and can't wait to get outside to go potty. I have been looking at puppy playground equipment in richmond va for some ideas of things to possibly get her. So far she hasn't had any accidents in the house. Once my part time hours start, she won't be home as much by herself.


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your job!! Will you get car discounts? LOL!!!!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!