Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sometimes I just want to scream!

There are days when I just want to scream! My husband irritates me with all of his put downs on himself! Last night was one of those nights! I had had just about enough with all of him comments over the week and spouted off. First it was him looking at things to make for yet another vox amplifier, and when I asked why, as he made a comment of not playing all that good anyways earlier in the week. Why spend money on things, when you won't even play them!?!?

So now this morning (after he decided to sleep in the basement), he is back looking at items to buy to make another amp. I haven't said two words to him since I got up, as I am still so irritated with how he has been this week! I am ready for him to go back to work! This has been one long week!


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