I have some orders to input for my 31 business, as well as look into the conference call equipment set up, for the next call for 31. This is the one that I really want to be in on, as it has some tips I am looking forward to hearing, so I can really get my business up and running!
I have an idea I am going to work on, and so hope that the business I approach are willing to give it a try, as I think it will be a win - win situation for all of us! Who can resist a personal shopper, when it means you don't have to fight the crowds, or try to come up what to get your loved one something for Christmas!?!?!
My tummy is starting to growl too, so that means I need to figure out what I want to have for lunch. I really want some soup, so I need to find someplace with some yummy soup!!
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