Wednesday, September 28, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Thursday)

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Trapping a bunch of snakes on hidden camera

1) How did your education prepared you for your current career? Do you wish you had taken a different path academically? Well, right now I am not working outside the home, so I would say the things I learned in home ec classes prepared me for being a homemaker/mom. When I did work, the training I received helped me in the medical field. I wish I would have gone on to become a nurse though.

2) If you could pick the two major candidates for the next presidential race (politicians, celebrities, people you personally know, etc.), who would we see running? Myself (as I have joked that I am going to write myself in every year.... and who knows!

3) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind it

4) What is one simple indulgence you could never live without? chocolate

5) If you were trapped in a pit full of snakes, and you could call one person to save you, who would that be? my husband

6) Joy Engel at recently wrote about the eight worst things ever said to her on a date (read it here). She includes "I really like Nickelback" and "Star Wars is overrated" on the list. What's the worst thing someone's ever said to you on a date? Its been so long since I dated, I don't know!

7) Should a marriage license have a renewal date or expiration date, like a driver’s license? no!

8) Where would you like to place a hidden camera? anywhere I know that there might be drama that doesn't involve me!

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