Monday, October 11, 2021

Happy Homemaker Monday

My last post here on my blog was a Wordless Wednesday. post, with pics of my sweet Lici girl. It was a hard day, but still somewhat of a "good day" for her. Thursday things changed for the worst, I new it was definitely the end for her, and finally got the hubs to get on the same page, we made the decision that it was time.

I called our vet in the morning only to find out they were closed until Tuesday. So this was the start of my frustraion, as I knew she would not make it until then and the suffering was not soemthing I wanted to put her through. I started calling around, the "soonest" I could get in at the Humane Society was Oct 27th. Other vets wouldn't see her as she was not a patient and would need a first time visit before, and were weeks out for that. Friday night was a around the clock vigil just to keep her comfortable.

Saturday I said its off to a vet hospital, I don't care the cost, I can't let her be like this any longer. Surprisingly the cost wasn't as bad as we thought. The care and comfort they showed was beyond comforting. My sweet girl is in a much happier place, where she is freely chasing the squirrels and rabbits, but was stricty forbidden to chase the skunks (she had a little run in with one a few years back); and back to "tormenting" My Lulu girl (our kitty that passed in 2014). She will be greatly missed, but forever in our hearts.

I am linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Head on over to find some other great bloggers.

For Today... October 11th, 2021

The weather... Its 70° right now, and the high for today is 79°.

How I am feeling this morning... Sad, days won't be the same and will take some time getting used to, to the new normal in our house.

On my mind... things I have to do around the house

On the breakfast plate... french toast bagel and water

On my reading pile... Hooked on You by Kathleen Fuller - I haven't picked this up in months, I need to lose myself in a book

On my tv... Shows are back, yay!! 911, Resident, New Amsterdam, The Chicago series Med/Fire/PD, Blue Bloods, LA Brea, Walking Dead The Rookie

On the menu this week
Monday ~ spaghetti and garlic bread
Tuesday ~ tacos
Wednesday ~ steak and pasta salad
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ leftovers
Saturday ~ ???
Sunday ~ ???

From the camera... from my tea bag on Sunday

Looking around the house... it seems so empty/bare with all of Lici's stuff gone

New recipe I tried last week, or one that we really enjoyed... I want to give this a try - Italian Meatball Soup, the recipe

Something I want to share... I saw this on instagram I think.. I need to make some... too cute

To relax this week, I will... crochet and cross stitch.

On my prayer list... family, friends and our country

Devotional/Bible Verse/Quote...

In closing...Thank you for stopping by. I hope your week ahead is filled with lots of blessings!


  1. I am so sorry for your loss of Lici. Hope you have a peaceful week ahead.

  2. I am sorry for your loss. They are so much a part of our life. The recipe looks great. I have something cɔose too that in my cookbook.

  3. I wish I had the crochet knit gene. I used to! Blessings!

  4. I am so sorry about Lici, but am glad she is not suffering. Losing fur children is so hard and takes time...

    That gnome is adorable - I can't wait to see what you make. And that soup sounds really delicious. Have a GREAT week.

  5. So sorry for Lici.
    I've made a few gnomes last year, was fun! the soup looks good too.
    Have a great week

  6. Oh my sweet Jodi - I'm so sorry about the loss of Lici. But I absolutely believe she is running free and will meet you at the rainbow bridge one day. Biggest hugs to you guys.

    That soup looks so yummy! When I was doing weight watchers I remember making kind of a weight watchers version of soup like that and i think it was one of the best WW things I made. Lol And if anyone can make a gnome as cute as that - it's you!
    Blessings on the rest of your week.


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!