Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday 4 Meme ~ Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

I am happy to see that Annie from Cottage by the Sea is continuing on with the Tuesday 4 that Toni started.

Questions will be up for you here at 9PM on Sunday nights which will give enough time to answer and post on your own blog on Tuesdays. I hope you will enjoy these. Thanks for joining!

Welcome to another Tuesday 4 invented by Toni Taddeo and kept in memory of her. Do You Want to Build a Snowman is a song from the movie Frozen, but I think it would make for some great questions too.

Here we go:

1. Have you built snowmen, women or even entire families of snow people like little sister Tootie did in Meet Me in St. Louis? Did you use a carrot for the nose? Tell us all about how it.

I never got really fancy with my snowmen.... just the regular, 3 snowballs, big, med, small....and always a carrot for the nose!

2. Are you hoping for snowmen to melt soon in hotter weather? Tell us about your favorite time of year and please let us know why you love it. List some ingredient of that season that make it special for you. I am so ready for the snow to be gone and the warmer weather! My favorite time of year is Summer and Fall.... Summer because of the sun, sand and water! And Fall for all the fall like smells... and the beautiful colors!!

3. Remember bundling up as a child? It took so long to do then you had to go potty and all those layers had to come off again! Is dressing up something you enjoy doing ? Why? Dressing up as is, getting all dolled up, or dressing up for winter? dressing up to go out, yes.... bundled up for winter... uh NO!

4. In Frozen, the little girl desperately wants to reconnect with her sister and reminds her of the happy times of building snowmen. Are you disconnected from anyone you'd love to reunite with? What happy times with friends and siblings brings you fond memories and smiles to you?

There are a few who I am disconnected with, and at this point in my life, I don't have the urge to reconnect. I would like to say the memories of childhood make me smile, but alas when you have family members that don't treat you well you don't it hard to look back on those times.


  1. Hello, enjoyed ready your answers today. Sometimes a memory is all we need of someone from long ago. Hope you enjoy your day.

  2. Yes, family that treats you badly is the pits and hurts a good deal. I can also say that autumn is my favorite lime of year. It just is a wonderful time. Thanks for joining in and by the way I love the purple decor on the blog. Its beautiful.

  3. Your blog is so pretty. Sorry about the disconnect with your family.

  4. I enjoyed reading your answers, Jodi. Hope your week is going well. Blessings! <3

  5. Unfortunately I can relate to #4. It is sad really. I am an only child, so when my mom passes, I will only have my husband and my husband's family and my son. My Uncle did the ugliest things right after my Granie's funeral. I have never seen so many people just there to get things. It was awful. Really, my uncle was the one that told my mom he didn't want to see her again, so when my dad was dying and he wanted to come up, I told him not to. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  6. I understand what you wrote in #4. I wish I had a better relationship with my sisters, but unfortunately, they have proven they can't be trusted.

  7. Hi Jodi, Thanks for your fabulous package. It arrived on Saturday and you made my day. I will be blogging about it later this week. Many thanks!

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Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!