Friday, April 7, 2017

Food 4 Thought Friday

Jodi over at Beacon of Hope writes: GET YOUR APPETITE ON and PLAY ALONG! Just copy and paste the questions to your blog and PLEASE leave a comment that you played along so others can go and check out your answers. These are so much fun to go back read later!

Food 4 Thought Friday!

A little feast without the calories!!

Feel free to play along for some yummy fun! I will post a new one each Thursday night. JOIN IN!!!

Food 4 Thought Friday ~ This week's questions:


Breakfast ~ What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
Lunch ~ What places (city or states) have you lived?
Dinner ~ What is your current favorite TV show and why?
Midnight Snack ~ What do you wish you had more time to do?
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, what is it just for the week?)


Breakfast ~ What is the scariest thing you have ever done? I guess going on a road trip by myself to meet up with with some bloggers.... that now are really good friends.
Lunch ~ What places (city or states) have you lived? I have only lived in Michigan... Kent City for my growing up years, to now Grand Rapids for my adult life.... oh how I long to move to one of the Southern states to escape the snow!
Dinner ~ What is your current favorite TV show and why? This Is Us - such a great show, can't wait for the next season!
Midnight Snack ~ What do you wish you had more time to do? learn the piano
Recipe for the Week ~ (instead of your recipe for life, is it just for the week?) Unplug, get out and enjoy family and friends.

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