Monday, March 13, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Head on over to find some other great bloggers.


For Today... March 13th, 2017

The weather...Is back to a winter wonderland. This time last year I was in the sunny South...oh how I long to be back down there!

On my reading pile... Reshaping it All by Candace Cameron Bure (rereading this); Etched...Upon My Heart by Jill Kelly; Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld; and Happily Ever After by Trista Sutter

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend... I didn't watch much TV this weekend, just lots of Youtube videos....I did watch Walking Dead though (that is a must..LOL), I do have lots of DVR shows to get caught up on.

On my TV... right now its a catch up day of DVR shows: Blue Bloods, Greys, Chicago Med and Colony

On the menu for this week... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ spaghetti, garlic bread and a salad
Tuesday ~ burgers, salad and peaches
Wednesday ~ blueberry pancakes (didn't have last week)
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ stuffed pork chops, green beans, salad and rolls
Saturday ~ going out for our anniversary
Sunday ~ church potluck

On my to do list... laundry and coloring my hair are a must for today, as well as the normal housework

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating...Finishing one more snail, then back to the afghans.

Happening this week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry, coloring my hair, crocheting, working on Bible Study
Tuesday ~ work
Wednesday ~ work
Thursday ~ off ~anniversary~ lunch with the hubby
Friday ~ groceries, errands,
Saturday ~ going out for our anniversary
Sunday ~ church, potluck...then home to veg

Looking around the house... I have lots of cleaning to do. I want to rearrange the living room, need a fresh look in here

From the camera... the rest of our centerpieces for the Ladies Tea

What I'm wearing today... right now, some old sweat pants and ratty tshirt (about ready to color my hair), then will be putting on some black yoga pants, a purple tshirt and a black fleece zip up jacket

One of my simple pleasures... Sunday afternoon naps with the hubs

A favorite Bible verse, devotion or quote for today...

In closing...Thank you for stopping by. I hope your week ahead is filled with lots of blessings!


  1. I love the centerpieces! Are they just stacked cups and saucers with tucked flowers? Gorgeous. I'm heading out in search of a cup and saucer for the tea cup/mug exchange. Can't wait to see all of the posts from the participants. I love anything to do with tea. Have a great week!

    1. The cups/plates are stacked, and glued in place. The flowers are also glued in place. I found a picture of this in a Woman's World magazine and knew this would be a must for our Ladies Tea. Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. What pretty centerpieces! Must be that time of year, I'm ready for a fresh look in our house as well. Our new couch only fits one way though so it looks like I'll need to find a different way to liven things up over here. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. There aren't many ways I can re-arrange the living room, but the change is nice when I do it. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. The centerpieces for your tea are beautiful!!!! What a great idea!!!!

    I'm with you about youtube!! I'd rather watch youtube videos than TV. My favorites are cleaning videos!! :)

    Happy early anniversary!!!!

    1. I have way to many channels that I like to watch on youtube, so it just sucks me in like the TV does. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Love this format!! I also loved those centerpieces. You are so very talented. I waste so much time on You Tube anymore. I am not getting anything done. I need to paint a bedroom. Yikes!!!!

    1. I do to, and no stress of the other... anyhoo... Not much got done today, that dang time change has done me in. Thanks for stopping by!!

  5. What gorgeous centerpieces, wow. I watch a lot of Youtube videos too, mostly documentaries, I swear YT is a place to get lost in hahah

    Have a great week.

    1. Thanks! My downfall on YT is the family vlog channels... its just like a TV sitcom with some... Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Wow great job on the centerpieces, they are beautiful! I would rather watch you tube over TV. You reminded me I have to Dye my hair, I have had a box sitting on my bathroom counter since I started feeling sick. p.s. Happy Anniversary! have a lovely week.

    1. I just finished coloring mine, and its darker than I thought it would be... hope the hub likes it! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Blueberry pancakes sound amazing. I really love those centerpieces. Happy Anniversary! Have a great week.

  8. Sounds like a fun and busy week. The tea party centerpieces are so pretty. I enjoyed meeting you at HHM. I linked too I hope you can stop over. I'll be back.

  9. Back to winter wonderland here in the WI northwoods too! ;) Spring is coming early though - I'm sure of it!! (or at least really wishful thinking).

    Those centerpieces are so pretty (& make me think Spring thoughts!). Happy anniversary this weekend and have a fun night out. ;)

    Blessings on the rest of your week. xoxo

  10. Stuffed pork chops sound delicious! You did such a beautiful job with the centerpieces. Looks like you're getting a lot of cold weather too. Hope it warms up soon!

  11. Those centerpieces are fantastic! And it wasn't in this post but while looking for happy homemaker Monday i saw your fajitas.. ohhh my those look amazing! The snow is absolutely beautiful, but coming originally from a place where it snows a LOT, I know its not always a welcomed gift lol! Have a great week!

  12. Oh how I miss the snow lol! We lived in the mountains for several years! My husbands ministry led us to a new location, without so much snow! We live in the south ,,, There are those days I would love to be snowed in... Your center pieces are absolutely beautiful! You have an amazing talent ! I have Candace Cameron Bure book on my wish list ! I cant wait to check it out! I hope you have an amazing week!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!