Monday, March 6, 2017

Daybook and Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Simple Woman's Daybook is back at it's original home, The Simple Woman's blog. If you are new to the daybook you can go to this link to read over the guidelines.

There will be now be one monthly link-up posted on the first Monday of each month. You are free to post a new daybook link here for each daybook you write at your blog, whether that is once a month or if you daybook does not matter. It is what works best for you. Just please keep the link back to The Simple Woman's Daybook in tact and in view in the body of your post so other's can find us. Thank you for continuing to do this very important step!

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


For Today... March 6th, 2017

Outside my window...Its dark, the sun has gone down.

I am thinking... about how tired my hubby is going to be once he gets home from work...just got text saying he was leaving work and its 8:06 pm....he has been gone since 6:30 this morning.

I am thankful... For the jobs we both have....even though his is starting to stress me out...

One of my favorite things... going to the PO box and finding awesome friend mail

I am wearing... black yoga pants and a purple t-shirt

I am creating... I have a few more snails that have been ordered, then it will be back to working on the afghans.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening... Watching The Bachelor

I am hoping... That the time off the hubs has requested is approved for next week.

In my kitchen... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ ravioli, salad and garlic bread
Tuesday ~ soup and rolls
Wednesday ~ blueberry pancakes and sauasge or bacon
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ not sure yet
Saturday ~ nacho deluxe
Sunday ~ going out after church

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry, work on a few craft projects
Tuesday ~ work
Wednesday ~ work
Thursday ~ work
Friday ~ groceries, errands
Saturday ~ craft day at church, to work on things for the ladies tea
Sunday ~ church, out for lunch, then home

From the board room... From my Knitting/crocheting. board - I am thinking this will be the next afghan stitch pattern.
photo credit

A peek into one of my days... Precious friend mail - something I will treasure forever!

A favorite quote for today...

Closing Notes: Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me today! I hope you have a blessed day!

To read more Daybooks, please stop by THE SIMPLE WOMAN blog.

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


  1. What beautiful crocheting - the pattern looks so delicate. LOVE your inspiration too. Have a GREAT week.

    1. It does look delicate... I hope mine turns out just as well! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hello Jodi,
    I know you have been a long-time daybooker :-) Thank you so much. I have one kind request to make...when you create your daybook, could you not combine with another link. I would appreciate this.

    1. Sorry, won't happen again, not that I see what is wrong with linking together.

    2. Thank you Jodi! There is nothing wrong, but you can not really do both link-ups at one time and keep both sets of prompts in tact.

  3. Hi there! Following from Happy Homemaker Monday! Nice to see another Bachelor fan on here! I love Raven lol! I also love teacups, and yours is beautiful! Nice to meet you :)

    1. Hi!! Raven has been my favorite all along! I so hope she is the one! Thanks for stopping by!!

  4. The stitch you picked for the afghan you want to make is lovely. Yes, there's nothing like mail from friends in your mailbox!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!