Monday, February 13, 2017

Daybook and Happy Homemaker

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The Simple Woman's Daybook is back at it's original home, The Simple Woman's blog. If you are new to the daybook you can go to this link to read over the guidelines.

There will be now be one monthly link-up posted on the first Monday of each month. You are free to post a new daybook link here for each daybook you write at your blog, whether that is once a month or if you daybook does not matter. It is what works best for you. Just please keep the link back to The Simple Woman's Daybook in tact and in view in the body of your post so other's can find us. Thank you for continuing to do this very important step!

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


For Today... February 13th, 2017

Outside my window...The sun is shining, and its a brisk 30 degrees out... with a high of 40. I will take it... the sun is shining!!

I am thinking... about where I put my Valentine's table cloth.

I am thankful... for sunny days...its been awhile, so I am going to enjoy today.

I am wearing... a purple top and lavender cords

I am creating... Still working on the afghans, and just started a mermaid tail afghan. I am also working on some snail and teacup amigurumis.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening... Watching Chicago Fire, and just started reading Sisterland

In my kitchen... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ baked ziti, garlic bread and a salad
Tuesday ~ Grilled Pork Chops with Apple Slaw, green beans, rolls and cherry bread for dessert
Wednesday ~ french toast, bacon/sausage
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ burritos
Saturday ~ out for dinner, for a birthday dinner for the oldest
Sunday ~ potluck at church

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry, lunch and shopping with my niece, work out
Tuesday ~ work, work out
Wednesday ~ work
Thursday ~ work
Friday ~ grocery shopping, errands, crochet, work out
Saturday ~ going out for the oldest for his birthday
Sunday ~ church, lunch, home to veg

From the board room... From my Projects for the hubby board
Photo credit

A peek into one of my days... A typical Sunday afternoon with the hubs and the pup

A favorite quote for today...

Closing Notes: Thank you for stopping by and sharing a little bit of my thoughts today! I hope you enjoyed your visit!

To read more Daybooks, please stop by THE SIMPLE WOMAN blog.

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


  1. I hope you find your tablecloth! Have a great week.

    1. Never found it, I have no clue where I put it. Oh well, next year! Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. You have a hubby board too? Mines is called honey dos lol happy Valentine's Day, I hope you found your table cloth

    1. Now if I can just get him to do the things on the board!! LOL Never found the table cloth! Hope you had a good Valentine's Day!! Thanks for stopping by!!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!