Monday, February 27, 2017

Daybook and Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Simple Woman's Daybook is back at it's original home, The Simple Woman's blog. If you are new to the daybook you can go to this link to read over the guidelines.

There will be now be one monthly link-up posted on the first Monday of each month. You are free to post a new daybook link here for each daybook you write at your blog, whether that is once a month or if you daybook does not matter. It is what works best for you. Just please keep the link back to The Simple Woman's Daybook in tact and in view in the body of your post so other's can find us. Thank you for continuing to do this very important step!

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


For Today... February 27th, 2017

Outside my window...The sun is shining, its 36 degrees right now, and warming up to 47. It may be cold, but the sun is out so that makes me happy!

I am thinking... That I need to get up, and get started on the housework, laundry and make some phone calls.

I am thankful... For the awesome group of Godly women who are in my life!

One of my favorite things... Seeing the Pepperidge Farm Blueberry Swirl bread back in the stores.... Mmmmm

I am wearing... grey yoga pants, and a Detroit Tiger long sleeve t-shirt

I am creating... I am back to working on my and my son's afghan, hoping I finish them soon! I did finish the mermaid tail for my niece.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening... Watching The Talking Dead, then Greys.

I am hoping... That we have seen the last of the snowy weather....

In my kitchen... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ spaghetti, salad and garlic bread
Tuesday ~ hamburgs and fries
Wednesday ~ eggs, bacon, toast and oranges
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ Parmesan Herb Baked Mahi Mahi
Saturday ~ nacho deluxe
Sunday ~ steak, baked potato and a salad

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry
Tuesday ~ work
Wednesday ~ work
Thursday ~ work
Friday ~ groceries, errands, get nails done
Saturday ~ clean/organize craft room, work on planner, vidoes
Sunday ~ church, then home to do NOTHING

From the board room... From my How to's board. I am thinking I want to do this to the front of the house to make it a little more "eye appealing"

A peek into one of my days... She steals my spot every time I get up...silly dog, you would think she would learn, she will be moved everytime I come back to my chair!

A favorite quote for today...

Closing Notes: Thank you for stopping by and visiting with me today! I hope you have a blessed day!

To read more Daybooks, please stop by THE SIMPLE WOMAN blog.

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


  1. There didn't seem to be any Pepperidge Farm bakery products when we lived in Washington - I'm so glad we're back where Pepperidge Farm is available! A friend did a similar flower bed idea to the one you featured at the front of her house - it looked lovely. Have a great week!

  2. The mermaid tail is adorable. I bet your niece loves it! The brick planter is a great idea! We did a raised bed garden using decorative bricks. It is nice having gardens up a bit higher. Hope you have a great week!

  3. I love the Pepperidge Farm bakery products.

    Your planned project for the front of the house is wonderful, I would love something like that in my yard too. What a sweet mermaid tail :)

    Have a wonderful week!

  4. This weather is making me ready to plant flowers and work on outdoor projects although I know it is much too early. Cute dog. Hope you have a wonderful week!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!