Monday, January 16, 2017

Daybook and Happy Homemaker Monday

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The Simple Woman's Daybook is back at it's original home, The Simple Woman's blog. If you are new to the daybook you can go to this link to read over the guidelines.

There will be now be one monthly link-up posted on the first Monday of each month. You are free to post a new daybook link here for each daybook you write at your blog, whether that is once a month or if you daybook does not matter. It is what works best for you. Just please keep the link back to The Simple Woman's Daybook in tact and in view in the body of your post so other's can find us. Thank you for continuing to do this very important step!

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


For Today... January 16th, 2017>

Outside my window...Its a gray, drizzly, cold day. Its 29 degrees, and rising.

I am thinking... all all I need to do, to get this house back in order. After the last month of being sick, I have neglected the bulk of my heavy, deep cleaning.

I am thankful... for a job that allows me to work at home, so I can avoid the nasty weather we get in the winter months

One of my favorite things... a cup of tea and some quiet time with the Lord

I am wearing... a black zip up fleece jacket, a teal shirt and black fleece comfy pants

I am creating... I am still working on the same afghans, one for my youngest and one for myself. I have a scarf/cowl in the wings just waiting for me to break out a pair of knitting needles. I also want to make a set of hats - mother/daughter/American Girl doll.

I am reading (read) /watching (watched) / listening to... Watching Chicago Med

I am hoping... that the weather doesn't turn nasty so I can go to the movies with a friend and her daughters tomorrow.

In my kitchen... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ spaghetti, garlic bread and a salad
Tuesday ~ kielbasa and mac-n-cheese
Wednesday ~ apple pancakes and sausage
Thursday ~ homemade taco pizza
Friday ~ vegetable beef soup and rolls
Saturday ~ not sure yet
Sunday ~ pork tenderloin, baked potato, corn and rolls

A few plans for the rest of the week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry, cleaning/organizing craft room, crochet
Tuesday ~ work - movie with friends
Wednesday ~ work
Thursday ~ work
Friday ~ grocery shopping, errands, nails done, crochet
Saturday ~ it may be a lazy day
Sunday ~ church, veg, then get ready for Women's meeting

From the board room... From my A Spot of Tea board
Photo credit

A peek into one of my days... A boat ride to see the dolphins with my nieces while I was in Florida

A favorite quote for today...

Closing Notes: Thank you for stopping by and sharing a little bit of my thoughts today! I hope you enjoyed your visit!

To read more Daybooks, please stop by THE SIMPLE WOMAN blog.

I am also linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


  1. That boat ride to see the dolphins must have been so much fun, it's something I would love to do one day :)

    Glad you're back blogging :) Hope you have a wonderful week.

  2. Pretty photo of the teacups. I also love a good cup of tea. Glad that you are feeling better. Hope you have a great week!

  3. Tea and quiet time are two of my favorite things. I love your pictures too. Loved my visit to your blog.

  4. How fun to be able to go on a boat ride and see dolphins! You have your week laid out so well in terms of meal preparation and activities. You're very organized!

  5. I hope you get nice weather for your movie out! Your menu sounds so yummy. And I bet seeing the dolphins was amazing!!
    Blessings on your week. xo

  6. Challenged by your menu planning! I need to be more consistent with mine!


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!