Wednesday, November 2, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Wednesday)

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Writing sketch comedies and novels about impersonators

1) With National Plan Your Epitaph Day being celebrated this week, what would you like to have written on your gravestone? She Lived, She Laughed and She Loved

2) This week, some churches and dentists across the U.S. "bought back" unwanted Halloween candy, many of them sending the candy purchased overseas to deployed soldiers. What would you do with candy you were given that you didn't want? more than likely it would go in the trash

3) What do you do with mail that comes to your home addressed to past residents (forward it, trash it, open it, line your bird's cage with it, etc.)? When we first moved in I always put on them "return to sender, not at the address", but after being here for over 14 years, I now just put it all in the trash.

4) November is National Novel Writing Month, and thousands of writers will try to start and complete an entire novel by Nov. 31. If you were to write a book this month, what would the topic be? I have no idea, as I am not a writer

5) Last week Fox announced that an updated version of its 1990-94 sketch comedy show "In Living Color" will be created and will air this spring. What do you think of sketch comedy? no thoughts

6) If you were on a trip to Los Angeles and took a walk down Hollywood Boulevard, would you want to have your photo taken with any of the impersonators who patrol the street? (The impersonators include people dressed up as real people like Elvis, Marilyn Monroe and Lady Gaga and as fictional characters from comic books, movies/TV shows, and cartoons.) of course!

7) Do you have nicknames for any of your neighbors which you use to describe them to other people? nope, don't really know my neighbors all that much

8) Speaking of your neighbors... have any of your neighbors ever witnessed you doing something embarrassing (or vice versa)? none.. or at least I hope none of them have!

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