Thursday, November 3, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Thursday)

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My heart is a sandwich and bacon bowl

1) In Gym Class Heroes' song "Stereo Hearts," the singer says his heart is a stereo. If you were to compare your heart to an inanimate object, what object would it be? hmmm...a stone??

2) Thursday used to be a must see television night. Name some shows you think are “must see” TV. The Walking Dead, Revenge, Against the Wall

3) Today (Nov. 3) is Men Make Dinner Day, which is aimed at the men who never cook, and also is National Sandwich Day. If someone was to make you a sandwich for dinner tonight, what would you want on your sandwich? Well I know it won't ever happen, but I would really like a BLT

4) If you had an iPhone with its new Siri app, would you ask it random, stupid questions (like I'm dying to do) or would you just ask serious questions? probably the stupid questions

5) The New York Times has published the eulogy given by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs' sister which says that Steve's last words were "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow." What would you want to be your last words, if you could pick? I love you

6) KFC has introduced a new item to its menu -- a Cheesy Bacon Bowl, containing bacon, corn, chicken, cheese, gravy and mashed potatoes thrown together in a bowl. People seem to have mixed opinions on the appeal of KFC's bowls. Would you eat (or have you already eaten) one of these bowls? I don't think I would, I wouldn't mind the corn/potato combo (as I do this naturally), but the rest added to it, nope!

7) Do you parallel park your vehicle or do you drive around until you find a parking spot that isn't a parallel parking space? I prefer not to have to parallel park, but can do it if that's the only spot.

8) Have you ever been able to finish a Rubik’s Cube? the only way I ever solved it, was by taking it apart and putting it back together. Now my youngest on the other hand, has figured it out, the twerp!

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