Friday, November 4, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Friday)

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Time is changing on the ostrich farm

1) With the next U.S. presidential election only a year away, are you keeping up with any ongoing political issues? nope, I have my hubby keep track of it and then pick his brain right before election time.

2) In "Tower Heist," which opens in movie theaters today, a billionaire cheats the staff at his apartment building out of their retirement funds, and they come up with a plot to steal the money back. If you were going to take part in a crime plot, what would you want your secret code name to be? Mama J

3) A friend of mine recently posted a "bucket list" of many various photographs she'd like to take in her lifetime (including ones of the Eiffel Tower, a dolphin, and the Great Wall of China). What would you like to take a photo of in your lifetime? The Leaning Tower of Pisa

4) Would you use a public restroom that was encased in a two-way mirror structure along a city street? I don't know, probably not

5) If a person is on a diet, is it okay for that person to brag about his or her weight loss to other people? no, just as long as they don't be all pushy about it...

6) If you inherited a very profitable ostrich farm, would you keep it or sell it? I think I would keep it

7) With celebrity couple Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries divorcing after only 72 days of marriage, should the couple keep the wedding gifts they received or return them? return them

8) Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday when clocks will be turned back one hour. Do you feel like the U.S. should keep the time changes or abolish them? I think they should just leave it alone, its such a pain!

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing with the political issue! I hate politics!:)

    I would NEVER use that bathroom;)

    and I too wish they would leave time alone! UGHHHH...thought the extra hour was well needed:)


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