Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Job hunting


What a fun thing to do! Not really! With the way the economy is, there just doesn't seem to be any jobs out there. I have been applying anywhere and everywhere, only to be told I am not qualified, or over qualified. Really? I haven't worked outside of the home in over 16 years, so not sure how I could be over qualified for anything that I have applied for. I think the biggest shock was when I applied at Toys R Us only to be told, sorry, but you aren't hire able, Hmmm.

After running my daycare for 16 years, I think I may be switching gears from watching little kids to going into elder care. I have been looking into the nursing homes to see if any of them have the CNA classes, like they had in the past, but so far I am coming up with nothing.

Most of the places have you fill out the applications online, and I think with the way they have the questionnaire portion set up it hurts you. The questions are very tricky, in how they ask you the same things over and over again, but only have the questions worded a little different.

If I were to get a job, then we would have to work so many things out with how to get Trent to and from school, as well as to his job he now has. Maybe I should just wait to find a job, once he gets his license and possibly a car.

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