Thursday, October 20, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Thursday)

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Exotic animals in black wedding dresses create a stink

1) With today (Oct. 20) being "Shampoo Day," I'm curious... Do you actually "rinse and repeat" or just rinse without repeating? I don't repeat

2) The 2011 World Series kicked off Wednesday with the St. Louis Cardinals beating the Texas Rangers. If you went a baseball game today, what would you buy from the concession stands? pop, a hot dog and some popcorn

3) October is National Squirrel Awareness Month. Do you find squirrels to be cute animals, annoying pests, or something in between? They are cute, and can be annoying at times as well!

4) On Tuesday, tigers, lions and bears were let loose in Zanesville, Ohio, by their owner before he committed suicide, leading to a hunt in which 49 of the animals, including 18 endangered Bengal tigers, were killed. How would you react if you saw "Caution exotic animals. Stay in your vehicle" being displayed on a road sign? I would stay in my car and keep on driving

5) Researchers from University College London has published the results of a study on Facebook's effect on the brain. They say the size of some parts of the brain correlate to how many friends people have on Facebook. How do you feel about the effect of today's social media on your brain? I don't give it much thought really

6) The authors of that study also said that the people studied with the biggest Facebook friends list tended to have the most "real world" friends. How does the amount of your "real world" friends compare to the friends you have solely over the Internet? Most of the people on my friends list I know in one way or another

7) For her Fall 2012 clothing line, Vera Wang has created a bunch of black wedding dresses. What would you think if you went to a wedding and the bride surprised everyone by wearing a fully black dress? Eh, I would think it was weird, but its "her day", so it is what it is!

8) My fiance and I had to remove two dead mice from behind my couch this week. Talk about a disgusting stench. What has been the worst odor you remember smelling recently? skunk.... tis the season, its horrible!

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