Friday, October 14, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Friday)

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Chocolate-covered seafood served on Sesame Street
1) If a company opened a theme park aimed at adults, what would you name one of the rides? Hmmm.... I don't know, as I can't ride any of the rides anymore, as they make me sick

2) Have you ever received a funny email, text message, or voicemail message that was not intended for you? nope

3) If you could only wear one color for the next month, what color would you choose? Purple

4) Imagine you just moved onto Sesame Street. Which puppet would you want as your new roommate? Mr. Snuffleupagus ~ he's always been my favorite!

5) Because October is National Seafood Month, I've seen where many restaurants in my city have added special seafood dishes to their menus. What is your favorite type of seafood to eat? I like Mahi Mahi

6) Have you ever had a weird crush on a famous person that didn't make sense to you? not really

7) Today (Oct. 14) is National Chocolate Covered Insects Day. Would you ever eat chocolate-covered bugs? Heck no!

8) If you had the chance to become one, would you rather be a food critic, a book critic, or a film critic? a food critic

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Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!