Monday, October 24, 2011

Preparing for fall


Summer is gone, Fall is here. My favorite time of year. I love the smells, the change of colors, and all of the yummy, comfort foods! What I don't like is having to put everything away, before that nasty four letter word appears. Trent and I put all of the deck furniture away, and with the added Adirondack chairs, the garage is really crammed full of stuff. I am not sure where we are going to put the couch and loveseat once Christopher moves back in this weekend.

I still have to weed, and winter proof the landscape, and plan for what I want to do next Spring. I would really like to get one of those park benches, the older style wood ones, to decorate the back yard (if John lets me!) I am still looking for a wishing well, and hoping to find one, or have John make me one.

This may be the last week of nice weather, so I wonder if I could talk my sweetie into going on a picnic date this weekend. When I was out taking some pictures at the park by the house, picnic tables were still out. I just have to remember to bring some cleaner and wipe them down.

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