Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tuesday 4 Meme ~ Inquiring Minds Wanna Know...

I am happy to see that Annie from Cottage by the Sea is continuing on with the Tuesday 4 that Toni started.

Questions will be up for you here at 9PM on Sunday nights which will give enough time to answer and post on your own blog on Tuesdays.

Welcome to Tuesday 4 in memory of Toni Taddeo! I hope you are enjoying the questions and the chance to blog about your likes, dislikes and opinions and find out about those of other people. Be sure to visit around. That is part of the fun.

Let's inquire about stuff....

1. What gets your blood to boiling? People who can't seem to mind their own business and like to cause problems just so they can get attention

2.What does a really good day look like for you? What makes you say, "That was a great day"? being with my guys and just enjoying our time together. I have been really trying to "be present" in the moment and not being preoccupied with other things when we are together.

3. Are you continuing to grow mentally, spiritually, talent wise or are you just marking time? For awhile there I was just marking time, but with things that have happened in the last month I am trying to be do better in all of these areas.

4. Have you changed your hair style since high school? Why or why not? I have, while I miss my "poof/big hair" of the 80's, I am liking the not having to use so much product on my hair with the simpiler hairstyle. I am not even sure if I could get my hair to do what it did way back then!


  1. Hair does seem to less cooperative as we get older, doesn't it? I love your "being present in the moment". We miss so much when our minds are elsewhere than where they need to be. Enjoyed your answers.

  2. I think trying is all any of us can do, because no matter how successful we are at whatever we are aiming for, there is always something better/more we could do.

  3. I worked so much and so long on my hair when I was younger, but I hate messing with it now. The crazy part is I feel like it looks better now than when I was younger. The hair products definitely help. Loved your answers!
    Have a nice week.


  4. Hi Jodi, thanks for visiting my blog. I love your background. It is peaceful. Each day is a new day to learn something new. I did like the hat I was wearing but did not like the price!

  5. my hair thinned out and is hard to deal with as I am older now. I used to have a ton of thick hair but no more. I like your idea of being present in the moment. We sometimes seem to be thinking of the future or dwelling in the past too much. Thanks for joining in

  6. Enjoyed your answers. My hair stayed curly after I stopped getting perms...it was so weird. It was always wavy, but ended up curly. Now that I'm letting the silver go, it'll be interesting to see how the texture changes.


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!