Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am a little late to posting today. I got off to a late start on things today with my husband starting at a later time for work, so it has me all messed up. Its going to be a long 6 weeks with this schedule he is on. It just won't seem right come tomorrow...I will start work before even has to get up to get ready for work. Ugh!

I am linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Head on over to find some other great bloggers.


For Today... April 17th, 2017

The weather...Its 62° and cloudy. It has been a gorgeous day though!

Right now I am... getting ready to go change out the last load of laundry, then get my bed made.

On my reading pile... Still the same from previous weeks - I need to up my reading time: Reshaping it All by Candace Cameron Bure (rereading this); Etched...Upon My Heart by Jill Kelly; Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld; and Happily Ever After by Trista Sutter

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend... None, we were busy working around the house, and then over to the inlaws.

On my TV... nothing, I think most of my shows are on hiatus, and I am finally caught up on the DVR.

On the menu for this week... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ sketti bake
Tuesday ~ polish dogs, beans and a salad
Wednesday ~ pancakes and sausage (didn't have this last week)
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ rotisserie chicken recipe I found in Woman's World magazine
Saturday ~ not sure yet
Sunday ~ steaks on the grill, some veggie and a salad, rolls and bday dessert

On my to do list... finishing up the laundry (bed to make), made the dog food, went to bank, post office and pharmacy, housework (almost done) and walk the dog

In the craft basket...back to working on my sons afghan, and then there is one ready to be started for a new baby that will be in the family this Fall!!

Happening this week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry, making dog food, crochet, go to bank, post office, pharmacy, video projects
Tuesday ~ work, work out
Wednesday ~ work, work out
Thursday ~ work, work out
Friday ~ groceries, errands, work out
Saturday ~ noting on the agenda as of yet
Sunday ~ church, then the boys will be over for lunch - the oldest will be grilling steaks for us

Looking around the house... I see many dog toys...she is one spoiled pup!!

From the camera... my planner spread for this week
My Easter dessert, and then my Uncle claiming it all for himself.....then a funny picture that he wanted to reply with from a comment one of his friends left on the posted FB pic.... he is such a goof!

What I'm wearing today... gray yoga pants, and a gray tank top

One of my simple pleasures... being able to splurge on yourself...once in awhile.

On my prayer list... A friends husband's coworker who has recently been diagnosed with cancer
A favorite Bible verse, devotion or quote for today...

In closing...Thank you for stopping by. I hope your week ahead is filled with lots of blessings!


  1. Love that Hemningway quote! Also your dessert looks fantastic, I can't blame him for wanting all of it! :) I also love your planner! I love my planner, and yours is so darn cute!! Hope you have an amazing week!!

  2. AWE your uncle is adorable!!! I hear ya on more time for reading, Im glad I make time for the bible but I need to just carve out 10 minutes to sit and get though my book pile. and don't get me started on my to read wish list lol You know I have that Candice Cameron book and I think another by her on my list too. I hope you are enjoying it, Have a great week Jodi.

  3. ohh my goodness I love your planner its beautiful! I will praying for your friends husband! Cancer is such a ugly sickness... Thank you for sharing a glimpse of you life! I hope you have an amazing week! blessings ....

  4. LOL I love the photo, so funny. And I really like the quote you added at the end, that is so true.

    Have a great week :)


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!