Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

I am linking up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Head on over to find some other great bloggers.


For Today... March 20th, 2017 ~ Happy 1st day of Spring!!

The weather...The snow is gone - yay! Its 39 out right now, but the high is up to 58 today!

On my reading pile... Still the same from last week: Reshaping it All by Candace Cameron Bure (rereading this); Etched...Upon My Heart by Jill Kelly; Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld; and Happily Ever After by Trista Sutter

Movies or Shows I watched this weekend... We watched Fences with Denzel was ok...different from his other movies.... he is my all time favorite actor..but in this one he was a jerk

On my TV... all caught up on DVR's shows.. glad that Chicago Fire and PD are back on this week.

On the menu for this week... Menu for the week:
Monday ~ ravioli, garlic bread and a salad
Tuesday ~ sloppy joes, fries and peaches
Wednesday ~ omelets, fried potatoes, sausage and toast
Thursday ~ pizza
Friday ~ chicken soup (new recipe), rolls
Saturday ~ steak, salad, fruit and rolls
Sunday ~ not sure yet

On my to do list... laundry, housework, make dog food (she is one spoiled pup)

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating...afghans, one is just about finished

Happening this week:
Monday ~ housework, laundry, making dog food, crocheting, working on Bible Study
Tuesday ~ work
Wednesday ~ work
Thursday ~ work
Friday ~ groceries, errands, a diy maybe
Saturday ~ yarn shopping with a friend for an afghan she wants me to make for her
Sunday ~ church, home to veg for a bit, then off to the Women's meeting for church

Looking around the house... its looking nice and tidy, finally rearranged the living room last night, so not a lot of picking up needs to be done today! yay!

From the camera... the beautiful anniversary card from my love, and my Easter wreath I made.

What I'm wearing today... black yoga pants and a purple and grey tshirt

One of my simple pleasures... Going on a leisurely walk with the pup. (where I am headed in just a few minutes)

A favorite Bible verse, devotion or quote for today...

In closing...Thank you for stopping by. I hope your week ahead is filled with lots of blessings!


  1. You are so creative! The wreath you made is lovely.

  2. Your Easter wreath is very pretty! Makes me think I need to get planning for that holiday. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  3. Your wreath is so Beautiful! Great Job! I need to get going on my Easter décor.

  4. Love that Easter wreath! I have a cross-eyed bunny on my door! :D Have a great week,


  5. Love your quote! Your menu for the week looks really yummy! Have a wonderful week!!

  6. I love your wreath! It is beautiful... Glad the snow has melted for you guys, praying that will be the last of it till next winter! Hop you have an amazing week!

  7. Your menu sounds yummy. And I love your Easter wreath!! It's so pretty. Hope you have a beautifully blessed week! xoxo


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!