Tuesday, July 15, 2014


We have lots of projects in the works right now. The kitchen cabinets need to be refinished, which hopefully we get to soon, as I am starting to get tired of not the doors on the cabinets. The basement we still have a little cleaning and straightening up to do.

John is going to start working on a stand for my trash bin, and soon pop bottle bin similar to this one. We won't have a butcher block top on it, as I plan on putting the cat food and water dish on top, to keep the dog from eating her food.

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And of course he is getting things together to start working on a new amp, and possibly some sound mixers. He has tweaked the small amp he built last winter and it happy with how it turned out.

I still have lots of crochet projects I need to get busy working on. I am going to contact a local church to purchase a table for their upcoming Fall craft show. I need lots of hats, diaper covers, booties, and snuggle lovey's to fill up my table.

Jodi yarn siggy

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