Friday, July 11, 2014

Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun

Feeling Beachie

It’s Friday blog hop time over at Feeling Beachie!!! Join in the fun by clicking here to go to Hilary’s blog, sign up and join in the fun by including the statements and your answers on your blog. It is easy and fun and a great way to meet folks. If you want—just leave your answers in the comments below, too!

The statements:

1. ____ makes me _____
2. I love a ______
3. When I’m stressed, I ______
4. My favorite smell in the world is ______

My Answers:

1. My dog makes me laugh when she gets excited over a new toy!
2. I love a hanging out with my friends
3. When I’m stressed, I tend to over eat.
4. My favorite smell in the world is fresh cut grass



  1. I am an over eater too!

  2. Fresh cut grass does smell nice. I am loving all the answers today.

    Nice blog.

    ENJOY your weekend.

    Giveaway of The Paris Architect on my blog if you want to stop by. Loved that book.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  3. I thought of fresh cut grass. I like that smell too.

  4. That's true - fresh cut grass has a very nice smell. Have a great weekend!

  5. I am the opposite - I can't eat under stress

  6. Great answers. I agree with #4. Even though I sneeze, I love the smell of fresh cut grass.


Thanks for stopping by, I hope you liked your visit! Be blessed!