Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday Stealing

The Easter Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing which originated on WTIT: The Blog authored by Bud Weiser. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to make it more relevant to our global players, to challenge our players, sometimes to select that meme's best questions, or simply to make it less repetitive from either this new meme or recently asked questions from a prior featured meme.
Let's go!!!

The Easter Meme

From the now-defunct blog of Tense Teacher (the link is dead).

What are your Easter traditions? Easter baskets for the boys (well when they were younger, now its just a family bucket, that I failed to fill this year :( )

Do you hard boil and decorate eggs? we used to every year

How do you decorate your home for Easter? just a few baskets on the table

Do you make/buy special outfits for yourself and your kids on Easter? no

What is your favorite Easter dish? ham

When did you learn the truth about the Easter Bunny? don't remember

Do you spend Easter at home, on vacation, or with family? sometimes at home, this year we are going to the inlaws

First one up on Easter morning? I usually am

Go to mass or church? church, but not this year

What are your favorite Easter hymns and/or choir arrangements? none

How many Easter egg hunts does your family usually participate in? none

Do you make deviled eggs out of leftover Easter eggs? no, usually egg salad

Are you tired of eggs by the end of the Easter Season? no

Are Peeps good or gross? Love Peeps!

What company makes the best chocolate for Easter time? Brachs

Lots of candy or not? As long as there are Jelly Beans and Peeps, we are good!

What is your favorite Easter candy? Jelly beans and Peeps

Do you find plastic Easter grass hidden in places for months after Easter is over? no, have to keep it under control, as I have a kitty that can't get a hold of it

What’s your favorite color for fake grass? purple



  1. Do different colored Peeps have different flavors? I've never eaten Peeps because I don't like marshmallow...

  2. […] from Me on Kids, Preteens, and Teens: Seizing Family TimeThat's Okay!My Life as Mama Jodifrufrugal: a quirky family friendly blog –Teacher Mum var TubePressJsConfig = […]


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