Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tackle it Tuesday


Find out more about Tackle It Tuesday's over at 5 Minutes for Mom.

My tackle for the day was the dining room carpet. I didn't get a before picture, as I forgot, but will have an after picture up sometime tomorrow. I don't know what we were thinking when we chose the shade of carpeting, as I have had nothing but aggrevation over it! Stain after stain is what I have been dealing with. I may have bring in the (http://www.thesteamteam.com/) to tackle this job.

So I decided to grab the Greased Lightening cleaner and a sponge to scrub the spot before I got out the shampoo carpet cleaner austin. Oops! What a mistake, as now I have a light green ring around the stain area (side note, the original stain is gone!). The cleaner and the sponge didn't mesh well! LOL

So tomorrow, when I have more time, I will be thoroughly shampooing the carpet, and hoping that it will take that lovely green hue out of the carpet! I so wish I could have talked my hubby into extending the hardwood from the kitchen to the dining room when we did the kitchen - then I wouldn't be faced with this problem! Whatcha gonna do!?!?

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