Friday, September 30, 2011

W.T.F. Meme (Friday)

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Taking your biggest flaw on a long vacation

1) During a job interview, if you are asked "What is your biggest flaw?" how do you answer? Self doubt

2) You're about to board an airplane for a week-long vacation, and following the federal regulations on liquids, you have a quart-size plastic  bag with small liquid items in your carry-on bag. What toiletries are in your plastic bag (You can fit about eight 3-ounce-or-less bottles in the bag)? shampoo & condtioner, the rest of my liquids I will need will be in my checked bag

3) Have you ever searched for your house on Google Maps? My hubby and son do all the time

4) Opening in U.S. theaters this weekend, the movie "What's Your Number" is about a woman who hunts down her ex-lovers when she reads a magazine article warning that people who have had 20 or more relationships have missed their chance at true love. Do you think couples should tell each other how many past lovers they've had? I think they should

5) What would you want to be written on your tombstone, if you could pick what it said? Rest in Peace

6) If you could change the ending of any existing book, movie, or TV series, which would it be and what would happen instead of the real ending? oh there are so many that I would want the endings to be different (too many to list)... I hate they way the end series/books/movies with a cliff hanger and just leave you hanging!

7) What do you think about people who wear flip-flops, tank-tops, and/or shorts in the winter when it snows and is freezing outside? tanks/shorts is just crazy... flip flops I can see, as they are just easy to slip on and go. I will wear my flip flops for as long as I can!

8) Do you have a "comfort object" (meaning something that anytime you are upset or scared, it can always make you feel better)? my bed.... there's just something about being able to snuggle down deep in your bed that is comforting!

9) Would you rather live in a blissful ignorance or in a pain-filled reality? blissful ignorance

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